Our Mission 

Our goal is to bring together anyone who holds a stake in insurance issues — which is just about everyone — so together, we can find solutions that will improve insurance affordability and accessibility in Texas.

Consumer choice is thriving in Texas’ insurance marketplace, with 160 homeowners insurers and 173 auto insurers writing policies.

TCAIS believes maintaining the state’s stable, competitive auto and homeowners insurance marketplace is critical to keep insurance affordable and available for consumers, and to allow insurers to afford to keep serving Texans and paying claims.

Learn more about Texas insurance regulation.

State of the Market

Multiple forces are fueling the surge in both homeowners and auto insurance rates that policyholders in Texas and across the United States are experiencing. Learn more in our “State of the Market” reports:

View Homeowners Report View Auto Report

Key Issues

The Texas insurance market has stabilized since the Texas Legislature passed landmark reforms in 2003. The state must remain committed to policies that protect consumers while encouraging companies to do business here.

Risk Mitigation

We can’t control the weather or the major cost drivers of inflation that impact the cost of insurance. But policymakers can pass meaningful reforms to save lives, prevent loss and damage, decrease insurance claims and lower insurance premiums for consumers.

Learn More
The ABC's of insurance rates...

The Texas Insurance Marketplace 
Must Be Able to Weather the Storm

Texas Weather

Texas has the most severe weather in the country – with exposure to nine different types of natural disasters – the most among any state. Although Texas has been subject to some of the biggest weather-related catastrophes, severity is only part of the story. 

Fraud & Abuse

Texans suffer tremendous roof-related losses because of the state’s severe weather, including hail, tornadoes and hurricanes. But when it comes time to get that damage fixed, consumers and roofers are extremely vulnerable to bad actors in the roofing business. 

Risk Mitigation

While we can’t control the weather, there are a number of things Texans – from individual homeowners to state legislators – can do both before and after a storm hits to protect lives, lessen storm damage, reduce insurance claims and save money.

Let’s connect!

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